During the month of May, coinciding with the Tuberous Sclerosis National Awareness campaign, partners and staff at accountancy firm Ashmole & Co have been active in raising funds for the Tuberous Sclerosis Association.

The fundraising events included sponsored walks, stationery bike relays, bungee jumps and a parachute jump.

The main event however comprised a 210-mile bike ride over three days visiting each of the firm's branches extending from Abergavenny in the east to Haverfordwest in the west and culminating in Swansea.

Partners and staff were inspired to raise funds following the diagnosis of the condition in Katie Vaughan, the daughter of one of the partners. Katie was diagnosed in 2009 and following brain surgery on more than one occasion, Katie is now doing well.

TSC is a genetic condition that can lead to growths in various organs of the body, but those most commonly affected are the brain, eyes, heart, kidney, skin and lungs. An estimated one million people world-wide have TSC. Some will be diagnosed with TSC very early in life whilst others may not be diagnosed until later childhood, adolescence or adulthood.

Ian Badham, partner at the Tenby, Haverfordwest and Cardigan branches of Ashmole & Co, wishes to thank clients, colleagues, friends and the local business community for their generosity and support that enabled such a significant sum to be raised for the TSA - money that is desperately needed to ensure continued research into the condition, and also to support families directly affected by the condition.