Dear Editor,

While the temperatures here at home are dropping, people in Ukraine are facing a sub-zero winter – as low as -15 degrees centigrade – as they continue to live in damaged homes with limited or no heating.

It’s not just cold, it’s potentially life-threatening. At the international disaster relief charity ShelterBox, we’ve been helping people affected by the war in Ukraine since March, and we’ll be helping thousands more through the winter months.

We have essential aid in Ukraine designed to help people survive a long and harsh winter. With the help of our partners, we will be providing people with thermal blankets, clothing, and emergency repair kits –including tarpaulins and timber – to help them fix damaged roofs, seal windows and doors, keep the heat in, and make homes watertight.

Some people will also receive solid fuel stoves, and a supply of firewood that will last the average family through the winter, to help them prepare for the bitterly cold season. With power supplies continuing to be targeted, this type of stove is regularly used to heat homes in rural areas of the country and is desperately needed to help people survive the cold.

With winter here, we’re renewing our urgent appeal to help fund ShelterBox responses around the world. For more information about ShelterBox visit

Martin Strutton

Emergency Coordinator
