Pembrokeshire County Council’s new Leader has named his Cabinet - but his choices have been labelled a “kick in the face” for many across the county by Welsh Conservative councillors.

Following a closely run leadership race, the Local Authority’s new leader Cllr Jon Harvey has welcomed Councillors Joshua Beynon and Jacob Williams onto the Cabinet for the first time.

Cllr Beynon will be Cabinet Member for the Corporate Finance and Efficiencies portfolio, after Cllr Alec Cormack decided to step down from Cabinet duties.

Cllr Williams meanwhile will be responsible for Planning and Regulatory Services.

Cllr Paul Miller will continue as Deputy Leader.

Cllr Harvey said: “I am delighted to announce my Cabinet which retains a strong mix of experienced Members who know and understand their portfolios, but also adds new ideas and new ways of thinking through Cllrs Beynon and Williams.

“I thank Cllr Cormack for all his work during a testing economic period and I now look forward to getting to work with my Cabinet colleagues and delivering on the Council’s priority of working together, improving lives.”

Following his narrow election victory, Cllr Harvey (who is not affiliated to any group) promised to bring “compassion and transparency” to the role and a willingness to work with other political groups.

However, after beating fellow leadership hopeful Welsh Conservative group leader Di Clements - the Tories have already had their say on the newly announced cabinet.

Cllr Rhys Jordan remarked: “Jon Harvey promised change when he became leader, yet here we are with the same council tax raising Cabinet as we saw previously.

“Increasing the number of Labour Cabinet members shows already that the Leader was not serious about working cross party and is more interested in keeping the Deputy Leader happy.”

Cllr Aled Thomas, one of the authority’s ‘Member Champions’ for the Welsh Language said: “This cabinet announcement is yet another kick in the face for Welsh speakers across the county as well as a lack of representation for residents in the north of the County.

“Cllr Harvey is showing his utter contempt for the Welsh Language by not appointing any Welsh Speaking Cabinet Members, just as the previous leader Cllr David Simpson failed to do.”

The rest of the Cabinet includes: Cllr Tessa Hodgson (Social Care and Safeguarding); Cllr Michelle Bateman (Housing); Cllr Neil Prior (Communities, Corporate Improvement and the Well-being of Future Generations); Cllr Rhys Sinnett (Residents Services); Cllr Guy Woodham (Education and Welsh Language).