This Saturday 25 March, WWF Cymru is asking people to switch off from distractions and give an hour for Earth.   

Whether you simply turn off your lights as a sign of your support, host a candlelit dinner, or marvel at UK nature by watching an episode of Sir David Attenborough’s latest BBC series, Wild Isles – or a combination of all three! - Earth Hour is a great place to start when it comes to showing you care about the future of our planet, and everybody can get involved.  

Nature is our life support system. When we work with nature and not against it, we have cleaner  air to breathe, better water to drink, and healthier food to eat. And science shows that time spent in nature makes us happier and healthier.    

But nature in the UK is under threat: a quarter of all our mammals are at risk of extinction; over the last 50 years we’ve lost 38 million birds from our skies; 97 per cent of our wildflower meadows have disappeared since the 1930s; and 92 per cent of the UK’s seagrass meadows, which can absorb carbon more efficiently than tropical rainforests, have been lost in the last century.   

Earth Hour, organised by WWF, is the global event inspiring millions across the world to take action and make a pledge to protect our brilliant planet, our home.

Rhian Brewster, Head of Communications at WWF Cymru said: 

“Earth Hour, one of the world’s largest environmental movements, reminds us that collectively even small actions can make a huge difference. Together, we have the power to shape a better future for people, nature and climate across Wales and the World.

“We urge people in Wales to join the global movement for action on the climate and nature crisis this Earth Hour. This can include acts as simple walking in nature or tuning in to watch the new BBC nature series ‘Wild Isles’, to taking part in events held in your local communities. As individuals, communities, and countries we can all make positive changes to bring our world back to life.”

How you can get involved in Earth Hour 2023: 

  • Take an hour to connect – with nature, your community and with people around the world: for example, have a candlelit dinner with friends and family or have a nature friendly time by taking a walk outside or having a day filled with activities like gardening!  
  • Lights out: Switching off any non-essential lights for one hour on March 25 from 8.30-9.30pm GMT to help create a symbolic and spectacular display. 
  • Events: Running events in the community leading up to and on the day of Earth Hour to get people engaged. Join WWF Cymru’s online Facebook event to keep updated: Earth Hour Wales 2023 Awr Ddaear Cymru | Facebook
  • Promotion: Show support for Earth Hour by sharing what you are up to on your social media channels. Hashtags to use on the night are #EarthHourWales and #AwrDdaear and please also tag us @wwfcymru. Along with that, enjoy UK nature like never before by catching up with Wild Isles on BBC iPlayer this month!!  
  • Take action: Sign the WWF seagrass petition- Seas of our future | WWF  or send a message to Welsh Government that you want an Agriculture Bill that delivers a nature and climate friendly farming system fit for future generations.  Land of Our Future | WWF
  • Download the WWF Footprint App: Sign up to an Earth Hour challenge and discover how you can make a difference, one step at a time. 

Earth Hour shows what we can achieve when we all come together. In previous years,  an estimated  half a million people  across Wales took part and iconic  landmarks across the world  - including the Wales Millennium Centre, the Eiffel Tower, and Sydney  Opera House  -  switched  off their lights for an hour to stand in solidarity with the planet.