After enjoying a summer break from formal club activities, Tenby Camera Club is preparing for the start of a new season.

The new programme can be found on the club’s webpage, .

Throughout the next few months, all types and genres of photography will be explored. Portraits, mono, wildlife and macro work are just a few topics in the mix. There will be great range of talks, demonstrations, competitions and battles with other clubs. Fancy cameras are not necessary. 

The first meeting will be on the September 7 at St Florence Community Centre, starting at 7.30pm. It will be an open night, so it presents an ideal time to check the club out, with a cuppa and biscuit thrown in. Everyone is welcome. Membership details can be found on the website; you can join at any time . 

Through the summer, members have met up with their cameras and mobiles in a variety of local locations. Starting with Picton Castle Gardens in July and Upton Castle Gardens in August, coffee and cake was enjoyed with chat and of course, some photography.

A social meet up in a member’s garden was arranged and was blessed with good weather. Flower and Insect photography was the order of the day.  Fun online competitions were held too, through a closed Facebook page just for members with topics “Just up the Street” , “Seabirds” and “Macro”. 

As you can probably see from these events, Tenby Camera Club is a friendly and sociable club sharing a passion for photography. Take that step to join them.