Vice President, Anne-Marie Littlewood, welcomed members of St Issell’s WI to the July meeting, there being no speaker planned, it had been decided to have a social evening. 

Joan Parry was thanked for the flowers for the top table, and birthday wishes for July went to Julia King-Thomas, Julie Jones and Jacqui Cowgill, and for August Diane Rigden, Joan Parry and Mary Sefton. There was a special welcome to Moira Saunders, who had kindly repaired and restored the WI banner, and she was warmly thanked and presented with a bouquet of flowers and a small gift. Moira expressed thanks and said how much she had enjoyed carrying out the repairs. 

Unfortunately, the recent strawberry tea had not been well attended, but had raised £110, Committee ladies were thanked for their hard work for the event. There was much discussion regarding a plaque for the Bay tree in the sensory garden, eventually it was agreed to accept the kind offer from Stuart Treharne. 

It had been agreed to start meetings at 7.15pm as from September, to save costs. 

Mary Lawrence and Sheila spiller agreed to do the flowers for Saundersfoot in Bloom at St Issell’s Church (pictured above) in August, and several ladies agreed to do teas on 9 August. 

A fish and chip supper was discussed as a possibility in the Autumn. 

George Cavell was thanked for looking after the train at Coppett Hall, and Madelene for checking the winding house. 

The seat on the harbour and the tree near the Regency Hall were also mentioned as things St Issell’s WI had done for the community. 

The Open Day at the Regency Hall on September 16 was discussed, a sub-committee would be formed. Diane, Julia and Mary Howells had taken part in the Treasure Hunt, and the same ladies were going on the trip to Margam Park in August, and had also taken part in the recent walking treasure hunt. 

This month’s competition winner was Jacqui Cowgill, and the lucky raffle winner Anne Leech. Everyone then enjoyed nibbles and a drink, taking part in a table quiz devised by Anne-Marie. Winners were Jean Roberts, Mary Williams and Janet Standing. Anne-Marie then wished everyone a happy summer break, looking forward to meeting again in September.