President Diane Rigden welcomed members of St Issell’s WI to the December meeting and the Christmas party.  

Mary Sefton was thanked for the beautiful flowers for the top table, and birthday wishes went to Shirley Cunningham, Pat Poole and Sandra John.  

Following a short business meeting, those who had attended the carol service at Begelly Church had enjoyed the afternoon, and it was good to see ladies from other local WIs.  

Thanks was expressed to the ladies who had provided refreshments, and especially to Val John for arranging the service at Begelly Church and to Bee Poole for playing the organ.  Diane read out the Committee Members and the jobs they would be doing during the coming year.  

Various events having been noted, it was time to enjoy the delicious buffet provided by the Committee, including fruit punch and some other tipples.  

After much munching and chatting, Anne Marie Littlewood had everyone’s brains working in a team quiz, and there was lots of laughter about the many and varied answers.  

Santa’s sack was then passed round, ladies going home with a small gift, followed by the bumper raffle the first prize going to Joyce Ludlow who was also the competition winner for a cracker style joke. Jeanette John won the Christmas card draw, and would be donating the £57 to Help The Heroes.  There was also a donation which would be going to the Trustle Trust.  

Mary Cavell expressed everyone’s thanks to the Committee Members for such a sumptuous buffet, and Anne-Marie was also thanked for arranging the quiz.  All of a sudden, it was time to go home, and Diane wished ladies a happy Christmas and a healthy and peaceful 2024, reminding everyone that the January meeting will be in the afternoon at 2pm.