Never before has Narberth’s Oriel Q Gallery shown work so connected to the natural world.
From June 22 until July 20, the gallery hosts ‘Windfall Light’, an exhibition of monoprints, drawings, mixed media work and ceramics by Ruth Sargeant.
Ruth’s involvement in the landscape that surrounds her is so total that she actually uses it to create her pieces. For instance, she ties ink-pens to the individual branches of a Sycamore tree where wind and weather cause the pens to wave about and make a variety of marks on smooth paper. She also employs a variety of transformative processes; burning, staining, crushing, and printing.
In the window is another unusual inventive show by artist of the month Pippa Sibert, working with fabric, stitching pictures and printing and plant materials. These pieces invoke a gentle exploration of her own sense of place and home. The delicate tracery of dried plant material printed on fabric or paper is rubbed with oil until it resembles textile and carries a memory-evoking charge - like something close to the heart, suddenly recalled from the past.