A folk band like no other is coming to Burnett’s Hill Chapel in Pembrokeshire next Friday.

The Churchfitters, three virtuoso musicians from England and Brittany, strut their stuff on a stage that bristles with instruments - from fiddle, flute, banjo, dulcimer, tin whistle and guitar to ukulele, electric hub-cap bouzouki, musical saw and the unique ‘bing-bong’ machine made out of hack-saw blades.

The trio will be paying a visit to Pembrokeshire on their latest UK tour, the Welsh leg of which includes the contrasting venues of St David’s Hall in Cardiff and the rather more intimate setting of Burnett’s Hill Chapel, Martletwy.

Their visit, on Friday, October 13, marks the last in this year’s series of concerts in the chapel, nearly all of which have been sell-outs.

The concert commences at 7.30pm.

To book tickets, which are £12 each, call 01616 651725.