A group of people from Tenby and surrounds travelled to France last week.  

The trip was arranged by Justin Lewis, Tour Manager, Travelarts.  The group travelled with Coracle Coaches with their driver, Robert, who they described as “wonderful”.  

Justin had arranged a “superb” long weekend for the locals, staying in Rouen, a beautiful Medieval city. They enjoyed a lovely day in the city and then on to one of Monty Don’s recommended gardens nearby, Le Jardin Plume (the Feather Garden).

The Group was delighted to visit Bayeux, to see the tapestry telling the story of the Battle of Hastings in 1066, when the history of Britain changed forever.

Then on a gloriously sunny day, they visited Paris, packed for Paris Fashion Week, and cruised on the Seine, on a Bateau Mouche.

For future trips, Justin can be contacted on 07772 313361.