Following two-years of classroom learnings during the pandemic, Crucial Crew has returned – much to the enjoyment of almost 1,400 year six pupils from 43 Pembrokeshire primary schools.

Providing valuable safety advice across a range of everyday situations, Crucial Crew brings together emergency services, agencies and organisations that take children through a series of fun and interactive workshops. The youngsters experiencing Crucial Crew this year, join around 35,000 local children who have been through the event in the past 29 years.

The two-week long event, which is held at Withybush Showground, is co-ordinated through Pembrokeshire County Council’s Road Safety Team with the financial support of South Hook LNG Terminal.

From water, fire, road and rail safety to food hygiene, electrical hazards, school bus evacuation and internet safety, children are guided through a series of scenarios aimed at raising awareness and giving valuable advice. The workshops allowed children to experience a mock school bus evacuation, crawling through a smoke-filled house, plus basic first aid.

Cllr Rhys Sinnett, Cabinet Member for Residents’ Services, said: “Once again, we’re very grateful to all partners which contribute to Crucial Crew, which is so important in delivering vital safety messages to our primary school pupils.”

Hamad Al Samra, General Manager of South Hook LNG Terminal, added: “This is the thirteenth consecutive year that South Hook has supported Crucial Crew, and we couldn’t be more proud to continue our support of a safety event that brings so much value to our county’s children.”

Agencies that participated in Crucial Crew include Road Safety, School Transport, Domestic Abuse Services, Food Safety/ Food Standards Agency, Dyfed Powys Police, Mid and West Wales Fire Service, Welsh Ambulance Services, RNLI, Western Power and Network Rail.