At the recent meeting of East Williamston Community Council, the following matters were raised:

A quote had been received of £5,000 from Pembrokeshire Diggers for the work on the extension to the Jubilee Park car park which was accepted.

It was agreed that the Council would purchase the materials in order to claim VAT back and that Alan Davies be asked to start work as soon as possible.

Dog warning notices had also been put up at the park, and since, no further issues have arisen.

Councillors received an update on play parks for the area, with the play inspection report for April discussed.

There was one ‘high risk’ item at Broadmoor concerning the cross bar on the multi-play unit and some medium risk items.

However, due to the handyman being out of action with a broken ankle, no maintenance work could be carried out at present. Cllrs Ian Wilkinson, Doug McIntosh and Peter Strydom agreed to visit the play areas and to clear litter and cut branches down.

There is a piece of ground on the right side of the Village Green adjacent to Hawthorn Cottage and Hill Cottage which the previous residents used to maintain. The grass now badly needs strimming and hedges need cutting. The clerk is to ask the grass cutting contractor for a price for this work.

The Ash tree behind bus shelter at Broadmoor needs to be removed before the roof is replaced.

The Clerk is to ask PCC if they can remove this tree to prevent further damage to the roof of the bus shelter.