The following matters were raised and discussed at the most recent meeting of East Williamston Community Council:
Potholes still had not been filled outside The Old Farm, outside Cartref or at the entrance to Elveston Lane which is an old sink hole and several on the road from the hall to the T junction near bus stop. It was requested that Darren Thomas from Pembrokeshire County Council be contacted to ask about these.
Outdoor Connections funding has been granted to purchase two benches, one for Pentlepoir and a second location to be decided.
The speed sign at Hillrise had been repaired and is now working. The traffic lights at Broadmoor are now working and the layout has been improved following persistent representations to Welsh Govt by this Council.
The Broadmoor sign was still down on Clayford Road end of the village, with a request to report the matter to PCC once again.
Some of the streetlights in the locality had been repaired and one had been removed completely.
Clr. I Wilkinson advised that a tree to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee had been donated by him to be planted in the Jubilee Park. A suitable plaque will also be arranged in due course.
An update on play parks was given, stating that all parks in the ward were looking in good condition following the first cut by the new contractor. The chairman was awaiting the next inspection reports to schedule repairs required to play equipment in all play areas.
The following planning applications were considered by members, for recommendation to the local authority:
• 21/1179/PA: Variation of condition 2 of planning approval 20/0311/PA - proposed dwelling at 17 Lyndhurst Avenue, Broadmoor (no comment offered).
• 21/1014/PA: Extensions at Tyr Arglwydd 14 Lyndhurst Avenue, Broadmoor (no comment offered).
• 21/1027/PA: Rear extension and alterations at The Squirrels, Lyndhurst Avenue, Broadmoor (no objections).
• 21/1149/PA: Variation of condition 3 , Condition 4 or Planning ref 18/0959/PA to allow for additional time for submission of reserved matters on land adjacent to Beaconing View, A478 Valley Road to Clayford Road, Wooden (no objections).