John Manchester was a very welcome speaker at the St Issell’s WI June meeting, having brought along various types of chocolate and truffles for ladies to sample! 

Vice President Anne-Marie Littlewood, welcomed members, with a special welcome to John.

John also gave lots of information about chocolate and recipes for truffles. Each lady had at least 12 chocolates and truffles to try, most going home with a goody bag as it was almost impossible to eat them all in one go. 

Anne-Marie thanked John for a most enjoyable evening, feeling sure that ladies would be making lots of truffles in the future. 

As business proceeded, President Diane Rigden gave a special welcome to Sue Boughden-Thomas and Sharon Karpaty paying a first visit. Maureen North was thanked for the flowers for the top table, and Sheila Spiller was congratulated on the arrival of her first great granddaughter. 

Everyone had enjoyed the birthday/coronation lunch at the New Inn, and Anne-Marie was congratulated on winning the best programme, Diane having accepted the shield at the recent Spring Council meeting. 

Pam read a letter apologising for the incorrect marking in the recent Rosebowl competition, which resulted in St Issell’s moving up to 7th. She also read a letter regarding the closure of Denman College, and advising that courses were now available on-line. 

A Strawberry Tea is to be held on June 29 at 2.30 pm in the grounds of the Methodist chapel, Saundersfoot, at a cost of £5. It is hoped that members from Saundersfoot and St Florence WIs might join in, and members were asked to bring a friend. 

Mary advised that the banner, damaged in the recent flood at the Regency Hall in Saundersfoot has been cleaned and repaired by Moyra, and the pole replaced by her husband Brian.

In recognition of the Coronation of King Charles III, Arrangements are in hand for a suitable plaque, which would be placed in the Sensory Garden, near the bay tree. The newsletter was read and various events noted, one team would be taking part in the Car Treasure Hunt and there was interest in the trip to Margham Abbey on August 18. 

There was some discussion about merchandise and calendars, and orders were taken for diaries. This month’s competition winner was Eva Rich, and Val John and Jeanette John were the lucky raffle winners. 

The July meeting will be a social evening and members could bring along nibbles and a drink. Diane wished everyone a safe journey home, looking forward to seeing everyone at the Strawberry Tea.