2nd St. Issell’s Brownies had a very strong presence at the Act of Remembrance in Saundersfoot and afterwards took part in the service in St. Issell’s Church. They joined with the Rainbows and Guides to lay a wreath at the War Memorial and then paraded their flag into church.

The first part of the remembrance service very much centred around the young people and all the uniformed groups took part. There were readings from the Scouts and Guides, the Rainbows carried peace candles and the Brownies led the prayers.

All the youngsters were delighted to receive a pot of bubbles which were released during the service to represent the souls of all those whom we were remembering on the day.

The Brownie leaders were very grateful to the Brownie parents for sending the girls in very smart uniform and also for supporting on the day by being at the service.

This weekend, 31 of the Brownies will be enjoying their annual pack holiday and are looking forward to some adventurous activities led by Sealyham Activity Centre. The theme of the weekend is Beatrix Potter and the girls will be doing lots of nature-themed activities to earn their badge.

For the rest of term, they will be decorating a Christmas tree for the Christmas Tree Festival in St. Issell’s Church, enjoying the Saundersfoot Footlights pantomime at the Regency Hall, and carol singing in the village. Life in Brownies is very fulfilling and full of excitement.