A meeting concerning Amroth Beach was held with the PCC Coastal and Rivers Engineer, Head of Public Health and the Beaches Officer recently.

Cllr. Phillips stated to Amroth Community Council on February 17 that a full discussion took place on the seasonal dog restrictions, enforcement, and access to the non-restricted, dog friendly area at the New Inn end of the beach. The role of the Byelaws was explained. Points raised included the following:

A new map will be drawn up and published clearly showing the seasonal dog restricted and non-restricted areas.

Enforcement is likely to be taken in-house by Pembrokeshire County Council.

Safe access to the dog friendly section of Amroth beach at the New Inn end is only possible via the slip way, especially for less abled walkers, but is illegal according to the Beach Byelaws. The current access across the pebbles is unsafe for many. Ideally a designated route needs to be agreed to enable dog walkers to use the slipway opposite Amroth Castle, turn left at the bottom, with dogs kept on a lead until in the dog friendly area. Currently PCC officers do not have the authority to make this happen. Amroth Councillors agreed to write to the Chief Executive of PCC to request that a flexible approach can be taken by PCC officers to enable a designated route to be agreed.

The Coastal Engineer stated that it is proposed that the steps between the groynes are to be removed as they are worn and dangerous. Councillors highlighted that this leaves a safety issue as there will be no safe exit from between the groynes for people cut off by the tide. It was decided that Amroth Community Council will write to the Coastal Engineer to request a meeting before the steps are removed to find a safe solution.