The Griffon Choir is now proud to be singing in its 53rd year.

Originally formed under the auspices of the Pembroke Power Station with over 60 keen members, the choir had a reputation for singing classical and large works like Handel’s Messiah and Haydn’s The Creation. The post-pandemic choir is smaller and sings a wider range of music and styles from traditional to sacred and pop to Welsh classics with something to suit every taste and ability. 

The mixed choir loves to see new members coming along to give choral singing a try, especially welcoming new tenor and bass voices. This is a hobby that husband and wife can enjoy together. You do not have to read music because the singers learn new songs in easy stages so no one gets left behind.

Following a variety of charity concerts in 2023, the choir started its 2024 programme performing at the St David’s Day concert in St Johns Church, Tenby in aid of PATCH and is currently confirming details for other events for Tenby Arts Club and Pembroke Ladies Lifeboat Guild. If you would like the Griffon Choir to perform at your charity event, email concert secretary Joan on [email protected].

The choir held its AGM and social get together on April 22 at Pembroke Rugby Club where it was unanimously agreed that the last year had been very enjoyable and the choir was once again ‘on the up’ - mainly due to the loyalty, enthusiasm and friendliness of its members and the love of singing. 

With the current musical director retiring from the post after many years of tireless work, the choir is actively seeking a new MD to take over in the near future.  Practices are held on Monday evenings, 7.30-9pm, at the Baptist Chapel in Neyland with a welcome for anyone who feels they would like to see/hear the practice with a view to taking on the role of MD, or simply joining the choir. For details, contact Penny on 07977 912585; email [email protected].